Mercury Marauder dimensions

Model: Mercury Marauder Sedan (2004)
Length: 212 (in) = 5385 (mm)
Width: 78.2 (in) = 1986 (mm)
Height: 58.9 (in) = 1496 (mm)

Compare Mercury Marauder dimensions to: Chevrolet Impala, Ford Crown Victoria
Mercury Marauder details:
Although nimble for its size, the Mercury Marauder lacks the kind of tire-melting performance necessary to qualify it as the rebirth of the American muscle vehicle. Mercury Marauder Sedan offers the following pros: Handling that belies its size, the ride and convenience of a Town Vehicle, strong straightline performance once motor speed builds, high security ratings. Mercury Marauder Sedan drawbacks are: Lack of low-end thrust, poor lateral support in seats.
Mercury Marauder coloring